Griffith's Valuation: Devenish Parish, County Fermanagh

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Griffith's Valuation in Devenish Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation took place in Devenish parish and every other parish in county Fermanagh as well as throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in county Fermanagh in 1862.


Griffiths Valuation: Devenish Parish 1862

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You should also check the records of Devenish parish from the Tithe Applotment books in the 1820's and 1830's



KEY:   L: = Location     N: = Notes     V: = Village     T: = Town

Abraham, Sarah L: Magheradunbar
Acheson, Alexander L: Randalshough
Acheson, Alexander L: Slattinagh
Acheson, David L: Gorteen
Acheson, David L: Leighan
Acheson, Edward L: Kilgarrow
Acheson, Edward L: Rossinure Beg
Acheson, Eleanor L: Sraniff
Acheson, George L: Gorteen
Acheson, George L: Meenagleragh
Acheson, Hugh L: Sraniff
Acheson, James L: Gorteen
Acheson, James L: Levally Upper
Acheson, James L: Stratonagher
Acheson, John L: Drumadillar
Acheson, John L: Shankill
Acheson, Robert L: Drumadillar
Acheson, Robert L: Gorteen
Acheson, Robert L: Meenagleragh
Acheson, Thomas L: Slattinagh
Acheson, William L: Meenagleragh
Anderso, William L: Donegall
Anderson, George L: Killyveagh Glebe
Archdale, Edward L: Stratonagher
Archdall, Edward L: Drumary
Archdall, Edward L: Stratonagher
Armstrong, Christopher L: Buggan
Armstrong, Christopher L: Sraniff
Armstrong, John L: Crawford's Hill
Armstrong, Thomas L: Drumary
Armstrong, William L: Banagher
Armstrong, William L: Coagh
Beatty, John Willis L: Knocknashangan
Beatty, William L: Frevagh
Bell, James L: Roosky
Bird, Francis L: Buggan
Bird, John L: Leighan
Birney, Thomas L: Knocknashangan
Blair, John L: Carran West
Blair, Margaret L: Garrison
Blair, William L: Carran West
Blair, William L: Garrison
Bloomfield, John C. L: Islands - Ballymagaghean
Bloomfield, John C. L: Islands - Buck
Bloomfield, John C. L: Islands - Eagle
Bloomfield, John C. L: Islands - Ferny
Bloomfield, John C. L: Islands - Gravelly
Bloomfield, John C. L: Islands - Lonesome
Bloomfield, John C. L: Islands - Rough
Bloomfield, John C. L: Islands - Sam's
Bogan, Michael L: Drumgormly
Boland, James L: Drumscollop
Boland, John L: Tullycreevy
Boylan, Hugh L: Scribbagh
Boyle, Daniel L: Slattinagh
Boyle, Edward L: Slattinagh
Boyle, John L: Killyveagh Glebe
Boyle, Thomas L: Killyveagh Glebe
Bracken, Alexander L: Aughrim
Brady, Edward L: Drumgormly
Brady, Edward L: Lisdead
Brady, James L: Donegall
Brady, John L: Donegall
Breen, George L: Agharahan
Breen, Hannah L: Agharahan
Breen, John L: Derryvarry More
Breen, John L: Giltagh
Brien, John D. L: Castletown Monea
Brien, John D. L: Drumcorban
Brien, John D. L: Enaghan
Brien, John D. L: Gortgor
Brien, John D. L: Randalshough
Brien, John D. T: Monea
Brien, Margaret L: Stratonagher
Britton, Edward L: Aghakeeran
Britton, Edward L: Old Barr
Brock, Thomas L: Sraniff
Brogan, James L: Drumary
Browne, Anne L: Silverhill
Browne, Christopher L: Dromore
Browne, Christopher L: Monaghan
Browne, James L: Dairies Big
Browne, James L: Drumaraw
Browne, John L: Whitehill
Browne, Mary L: Monaghan
Browne, Thomas L: Kilmore
Bruce, David L: Keadew
Buchanan, Christopher L: Rosscoltan
Burke, Patrick L: Castletown Monea
Burke, Patrick T: Monea
Burnes, Anne L: Stranacally
Burnes, Anne L: Tullysranadeega
Burnes, Bridget L: Tullysranadeega
Burnes, Charles L: Barr of Slattinagh
Burnes, Charles L: Tullysranadeega
Burnes, James L: Stranacally
Burnes, James L: Tullysranadeega
Burnes, James, Jr. L: Stranacally
Burnes, John L: Slattinagh
Burnes, John L: Stranacally
Burnes, John L: Tullysranadeega
Burnes, Peter L: Barr of Slattinagh
Burns, Charles L: Drumgormly
Burns, Hugh L: Gorteen
Burns, James L: Carran West
Burns, John L: Carran East
Bustard, Andrew L: Garrison
Bustard, James L: Frevagh
Bustard, Thomas L: Carran West
Bustard, Thomas L: Cashelnadrea
Bustard, Thomas L: Slattinagh
Bustard, William L: Frevagh
Bustard, William L: Tullysranadeega
Bustard, Wm., Jr. L: Frevagh
Campbell, James L: Drumadillar
Campbell, John L: Scribbagh
Campbell, Patrick L: Scribbagh
Carleton, William L: Ballyhose
Carr, George L: Kellaghan
Carr, John L: Tullymargy
Carroll, Catherine L: Rossinure More
Carroll, Felix L: Rossinure More
Carroll, Margaret L: Lisdoodan
Carroll, Michael L: Drumbeggan
Carroll, Owen L: Lisdoodan
Carroll, Patrick L: Lisdoodan
Carson, Catherine L: Barr of Slattinagh
Carson, Christopher L: Knocknashangan
Carson, Francis L: Frevagh
Carson, James L: Tower Beg
Carson, John, Jr. L: Tower Beg
Carson, John, Sr. L: Tower Beg
Carson, Joseph L: Gorteen
Carson, Joseph L: Tower Beg
Carson, Moffit L: Barr of Slattinagh
Carson, Stewart L: Gorteen
Carson, Thomas L: Tower Beg
Carson, William L: Knocknashangan
Carson, William, Jr. L: Tower Beg
Carson, William, Sr. L: Tower Beg
Cassidy, Andrew L: Rossinure More
Cassidy, Bridget L: Drumnanane
Cassidy, Catherine L: Whitehill
Cassidy, Francis, Jr. L: Drumgormly
Cassidy, Francis, Sr. L: Drumgormly
Cassidy, William L: Drumnanane
Cathcart, Alexander L: Cullen
Cathcart, Alexander L: Tullycreevy
Cathcart, Arthur L: Gillyholme (Ely.)
Cathcart, Arthur L: Magheranageeragh
Cathcart, Arthur L: Tullymargy
Cathcart, Mary L: Magheranageeragh
Cathcart, William L: Tullycreevy
Connor, James L: Dairies Big
Connor, James L: Dairies Little
Connor, Patrick L: Killyveagh Glebe
Connor, William L: Drumberny
Connor, William L: Levally Lower
Corrigan, Eleanor L: Scandally
Corrigan, John L: Scandally
Corrigan, Mary L: Drumbeggan
Corrigan, Mary L: Drumlish
Corrigan, Michael L: Leighan
Corrigan, Thomas L: Enaghan
Cox, Cormack L: Rossinure More
Cox, Francis L: Rossinure More
Cox, James L: Aughrim
Cox, John L: Castletown Monea
Cox, John L: Doagh Glebe
Cox, John T: Monea
Cox, Patrick L: Crott
Cox, Patrick L: Doagh Glebe
Cox, Patrick L: Scribbagh
Cox, Thomas L: Drumary
Cox, Thomas L: Scribbagh
Crook, Margaret L: Cashelnadrea
Crook, Margaret L: Slattinagh
Crooke, George L: Knock Beg
Crooke, William L: Kilduff
Crooke, William L: Knock Beg
Crowl, Francis L: Tullysranadeega
Crozier, George L: Crawford's Hill
Crozier, Richard L: Aghakeeran
Crozier, Richard L: Agharahan
Crozier, Richard L: Old Barr
Cullen, Francis L: Cashelnadrea
Curran, Peter L: Tullycreevy
Davis, Jane L: Shankill
Davis, Mary L: Drumadillar
Deane, Andrew L: Frevagh
Deane, Matthew L: Scribbagh
Deane, Susan L: Scribbagh
Dermott, Hugh L: Scribbagh
Devir, Andrew L: Gorteen
Dickson, George L: Kellaghan
Dickson, John L: Gillyholme (L'Estrange)
Dickson, Matthew L: Killyveagh Glebe
Dickson, Matthew L: Tullycreevy
Dickson, Richard L: Gillyholme (Ely.)
Dickson, Richard L: Kellaghan
Dickson, Robert L: Killyveagh Glebe
Dickson, Thomas L: Drumbeggan
Doherty, Thomas L: Leighan
Dolan, Felix L: Meenagleragh
Dolan, Hugh L: Meenagleragh
Dolan, John L: Gorteen
Dolan, John L: Scribbagh
Dolan, Owen L: Drumnanane
Dolan, Owen L: Keadew
Dolan, Patrick L: Faugher
Dolan, William L: Gorteen
Doogan, John L: Killyveagh Glebe
Doolan, Terence L: Cashelnadrea
Drennan, Hugh L: Kellaghan
Drennan, John L: Drumary
Drinnan, Eliza L: Tullycreevy
Drinnan, Sarah L: Tullycreevy
Duffy, Alice L: Aghamuldowney
Duffy, Bartley L: Tullysranadeega
Duffy, Denis L: Scribbagh
Duffy, Francis L: Drumcorban
Duffy, James L: Tower Beg
Duffy, James L: Tullykelter
Duffy, John L: Derryvarry Beg
Duffy, John L: Drumary
Duffy, John L: Stratonagher
Duffy, Mary L: Fartagh
Duffy, Patrick L: Stratonagher
Duffy, Patrick T: Monea
Duffy, Patrick L: Tonanoran
Dundas, Arthur L: Kilgarrow
Dundas, Edward L: Doagh Glebe
Dundas, Edward L: Mullynaskeagh
Dundas, Edward L: Tonanoran
Dundas, Francis L: Drumbeggan
Dundas, James L: Brackagh
Dundas, James L: Buggan
Dundas, James L: Cleens New
Dundas, James L: Kilmore
Dundas, John L: Buggan
Dundas, John L: Cleens New
Dundas, John L: Ross Outer
Dundas, Margaret L: Scribbagh
Dundas, Moses L: Meenagleragh
Dundas, Thomas L: Cashelnadrea
Dundas, William L: Cashelnadrea
Dundas, William L: Cleen's New
Dundas, William L: Cleens New
Dundas, William L: Drumadillar
Dundas, William L: Kilmore
Eames, Walter L: Magheragannon
Eames, William L: Crawford's Hill
Eaton, John L: Drumary
Eaton, John L: Stratore
Eaton, William L: Rosscoltan
Elliott, Alexander L: Drummoghan
Elliott, Andrew L: Ballygonnell
Elliott, Andrew L: Dairies Big
Elliott, Anne L: Magheradunbar
Elliott, Archibald L: Aghamuldowney
Elliott, Catherine L: Leighan
Elliott, Edward L: Roosky
Elliott, George L: Ballygonnell
Elliott, George L: Magheragannon
Elliott, George L: Rabron
Elliott, Isabella L: Ballygonnell
Elliott, Isabella L: Shankill
Elliott, James L: Aghamuldowney
Elliott, James L: Enaghan
Elliott, James L: Levally Upper
Elliott, John L: Aghamuldowney
Elliott, John L: Enaghan
Elliott, John L: Kellaghan
Elliott, John L: Magheranageeragh
Elliott, John L: Roosky
Elliott, John L: Silverhill
Elliott, John, Jr. L: Silverhill
Elliott, Robert L: Carrickreagh
Elliott, Robert L: Croaghan
Elliott, Thomas L: Drummoghan
Elliott, Thomas L: Leighan
Elliott, William L: Aghakeeran
Elliott, William L: Brackagh
Elliott, William L: Concaroe
Elliott, William L: Gillyholme (Ely.)
Elliott, William L: Lisdead
Elliott, William L: Rosscoltan
Elliott, William, Jr. L: Kellaghan
Elliott, William, Sr. L: Kellaghan
Elliott, William, Sr. L: Whitehill
Ely, Marquis L: Ballyhose N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Ballynakell N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Bilberry Island N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Carrigan N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Cossycon N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Croaghan N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Drumberny N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Drumboory N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Drumcose N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Ely Island N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Fardrum N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Gall Islands N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Inish Fovar N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Inish Lougher N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Killyveagh Glebe N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Levally Lower N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Roosky N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Ross Inner N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Ross Outer N: Marquis of Ely
Ely, Marquis L: Rossnafarsan N: Marquis of Ely
Emerson, Isaac L: Killyveagh Glebe
Emerson, Isaac L: Monea
Fair, Esther L: Randalshough
Fallis, Alexander L: Killyveagh Glebe
Fallis, Edward L: Derryvarry More
Fallis, Gabriel L: Dairies Big
Fallis, George L: Castletown Monea
Fallis, George T: Monea
Fallis, John L: Levally Upper
Fallis, Richard L: Randalshough
Fallis, Robert L: Enaghan
Fallis, Thomas L: Drumadillar
Fallis, Thomas L: Rosscoltan
Farrell, John L: Garrison
Farry, James L: Aghakeeran
Farry, Patrick L: Drumgormly
Farry, Patrick L: Leighan
Faucett, Charles L: Scandally
Faucett, John L: Rosscoltan
Feely, James L: Carran West
Feely, James L: Gorteen
Feely, Thomas L: Cashelnadrea
Feely, Thomas L: Garrison
Feely, Thomas L: Gorteen
Feely, Thomas L: Knocknashangan
Ferguson, Alice L: Drumboory
Ferguson, Anne L: Silverhill
Ferguson, Daniel L: Knocknashangan
Ferguson, George L: Lisdead
Ferguson, James L: Knocknashangan
Ferguson, John L: Dromore
Ferguson, John L: Drumaraw
Ferguson, John L: Legland
Ferguson, John L: Rossinure More
Ferguson, Terence L: Drumgormly
Ferguson, Terence L: Gorteen
Ferguson, Terence L: Scribbagh
Ferguson, William L: Shankill
Ferguson, William L: Stratonagher
Ferguson, William L: Tonanoran
Fiddes, Anne L: Tullycreevy
Fiddes, Edward L: Ross
Fiddes, Edward L: Stratore
Fiddes, Thomas L: Sraniff
Flanagan, Andrew L: Donegall
Flanagan, Anne L: Drumgormly
Flanagan, Anne L: Legland
Flanagan, Bernard L: Castletown Monea
Flanagan, Bernard L: Tullymargy
Flanagan, Bridget L: Aghakeeran
Flanagan, Bridget L: Old Barr
Flanagan, Daniel L: Banagher
Flanagan, Daniel L: Rabron
Flanagan, Francis L: Tullykelter
Flanagan, Hugh L: Drumscollop
Flanagan, Hugh L: Tullycreevy
Flanagan, James L: Carr
Flanagan, James L: Crott
Flanagan, John L: Leighan
Flanagan, John L: Monea
Flanagan, John T: Monea
Flanagan, Mary L: Drumscollop
Flanagan, Michael L: Legland
Flanagan, Owen L: Legland
Flanagan, Patrick L: Aghakeeran
Flanagan, Patrick L: Drumbeggan
Flanagan, Patrick L: Legland
Flanagan, Patrick L: Old Barr
Flanagan, Patrick T: Monea
Flanagan, Patrick L: Tullymargy
Flanagan, Peter L: Drumanure
Flanagan, Philip L: Drumscollop
Flanagan, Roger L: Drumadillar
Flanagan, Thomas L: Drumbeggan
Flanagan, Thomas L: Randalshough
Flanagan, Timothy L: Tullycarbry
Flanley, James L: Roosky
Fleming, John L: Enaghan
Fleming, John L: Roosky
Foey, Thomas L: Leighan
Frazer, Catherine L: Scandally
Frazer, Eleanor L: Faugher
Frith, William L: Devenish
Gallagher, Bernard L: Stratonagher
Gallagher, Catherine L: Gorteen
Gallagher, James T: Monea
Gallagher, John L: Doagh Glebe
Gallagher, Patrick L: Ballynakell
Gallagher, Patrick L: Drumadown
Gallagher, Patrick L: Drumanure
Gallagher, Patrick L: Scribbagh
Gallagher, Peter L: Tullykelter
Gallagher, Thomas L: Scribbagh
Gallagher, William L: Carrickreagh
Galloughly, Mary L: Drumary
Gamble, Baptist L: Cavanakeery
Gamble, Baptist L: Graan
Gamble, Baptist L: Magheradunbar
Gamble, Baptist L: Silverhill
Gilgunn, Patrick L: Drumcroohen
Gilgunn, Patrick L: Newtown
Gilleese, Patrick L: Ballygonnell
Gordon, David L: Drumlish
Gordon, James L: Drumlish
Graham, Christopher L: Stratonagher
Graham, George L: Magheragannon
Graham, John L: Fintonagh
Graham, Mary L: Silverhill
Graham, William L: Aughrim
Gray, Michael L: Gorteen
Graydon, William Alex. L: Gorteen
Greer, James L: Drumary
Greer, John L: Drumlish
Guthrie, William L: Croaghan
Guthrie, William L: Drummoghan
Hall, Alexander L: Drumnanane
Hall, Edward L: Banagher
Hall, Edward L: Derryvarry Beg
Hall, Edward L: Doagh Glebe
Hall, Edward L: Gortgor
Hall, Edward L: Knock More
Hall, Edward L: Legland
Hall, Edward L: Magheragannon
Hall, Edward L: Rossinure Beg
Hall, Edward L: Slisgarrow
Hall, Edward L: Stratore
Hall, Edward L: Tullycreevy
Hall, Thomas L: Scribbagh
Hamilton, Alexander L: Carran West
Hamilton, George L: Gorteen
Hamilton, James L: Carran West
Hamilton, Partick L: Carran West
Hamilton, Patrick L: Carran West
Hamilton, William L: Drumscollop
Hamilton, William L: Magheranageeragh
Hamilton, William L: Stratore
Harran, Denis L: Lisdoodan
Harran, Denis L: Newtown
Harran, Michael L: Stratonagher
Harran, Owen L: Carr
Harran, Owen L: Doagh Glebe
Harran, Owen L: Drumgormly
Harran, Owen L: Old Barr
Harran, Patrick L: Drmaveel
Harran, Patrick L: Drumlish
Harran, Patrick L: Lisdoodan
Harran, Patrick, Jr. L: Carran East
Harran, Patrick, Sr. L: Carran East
Harrison, Sarah L: Magheranageeragh
Haslett, Jane L: Killyveagh Glebe
Hassard, Richard L: Giltagh
Haycock, George L: Castletown Monea
Hazlett, Jane L: Tullycreevy
Healy, Hugh L: Aghakeeran
Healy, Hugh L: Old Barr
Hebron, Stephen L: Roosky
Hedigan, James L: Carran West
Henderson, John L: Drumadillar
Henderson, William L: Silverhill
Hewston, James L: Rossinure More
Hewston, John L: Crott
Hewston, John L: Magheradunbar
Hewston, John L: Tirconnell
Hicks, Patrick L: Drumadillar
Hoey, Edward L: Leighan
Hoey, Eliza T: Monea
Hoey, John L: Drumcorban
Hoey, Patrick L: Scandally
Hoey, Patrick L: Tullycreevy
Hoey, Terence L: Leighan
Hoey, Thomas L: Killyveagh Glebe
Howden, James L: Knocknashangan
Humphrey, Denis L: Levally Lower
Humphries, James L: Enaghan
Hunt, Carney L: Carrickreagh
Hunter, Thomas L: Concaroe
Hunter, Thomas L: Drumary
Hurst, Anne L: Enaghan
Iles, Margaret L: Whitehill
Irwin, Christopher L: Killyveagh Glebe
Irwin, Robert L: Killyveagh Glebe
Irwin, William L: Drumbeggan
Irwin, William L: Killyveagh Glebe
Irwin, William L: Slattinagh
Johnston, Adam L: Dromore
Johnston, Adam L: Fartagh
Johnston, Adam L: Monaghan
Johnston, Arthur L: Fartagh
Johnston, Edward L: Aghamuldowney
Johnston, James L: Gorteen
Johnston, James L: Roosky
Johnston, John L: Aghamuldowney
Johnston, John L: Agharahan
Johnston, John L: Donegall
Johnston, John L: Drumscollop
Johnston, John L: Fartagh
Johnston, John L: Magheranageeragh
Johnston, John L: Tullymargy
Johnston, John, Jr. L: Carran West
Johnston, John, Sr. L: Carran West
Johnston, Mary Jane L: Aghamuldowney
Johnston, Porteus L: Aghamuldowney
Johnston, Robert L: Silverhill
Johnston, William L: Aghamuldowney
Johnstson, Matthew L: Silverhill
Jones, Edward L: Rossinure More
Jones, Francis L: Drumgormly
Jones, Henry L: Dog Big
Jones, Lewis L: Dog Big
Jones, Patk. L: Dog Big N: Cooper
Jones, Patrick L: Dog Big
Jones, Robert L: Dog Big
Jones, Thomas L: Dog Big
Jones, Thomas L: Rossinure More
Jones, William L: Dog Big
Kearns, Thomas L: Knocknashangan
Keenan, James L: Drumcorban
Keenan, James L: Greaghmore
Keenan, John L: Drumcorban
Keenan, John L: Randalshough
Kelly, Archibold L: Randalshough
Kelly, Arthur L: Roosky
Kelly, Edward L: Killyveagh Glebe
Kelly, Edward L: Monea
Kelly, James L: Silverhill
Kelly, John L: Tullymargy
Kelly, Patrick L: Tullycreevy
Kerr, George L: Croaghan
Kerr, George L: Gorteen
Kerr, John L: Cashelnadrea
Kerr, John L: Cullen
Kerr, John L: Rabron
Kerr, John L: Rossinure Beg
Kerr, John L: Stranacally
Kerr, John L: Stratonagher
Kerr, William L: Sraniff
Kervin, Miles L: Aghamuldowney
Kilpatrick, Margaret L: Drumbeggan
Kilpatrick, Thomas L: Meenagleragh
Kittson, George L: Drumary
Kittson, William L: Drumary
Koen, Alice L: Gorteen
Lane, Anne L: Tullycreevy
Lane, Charles L: Roosky
Lane, James L: Stratonagher
Lane, Jane L: Tullykelter
Lannen, James L: Roosky
Leith, Gabriel L: Frevagh
Lennon, Anne L: Slattinagh
Lennon, James L: Cashelnadrea
Leonard, Andrew L: Drumadillar
Leonard, Felix L: Gortgor
Leonard, Rep. Henry L: Drumadillar
Leonard, James L: Drumadillar
Leonard, John L: Gortgor
Leonard, Patrick L: Scribbagh
Leonard, Terence L: Derryvarry Beg
Levingston, Richard L: Gortgor
Levington, William L: Randalshough
Liddey, Thomas L: Roosky
Lindsey, Rev. William L: Faugher
Little, James L: Magheragannon
Little, Robert L: Magheradunbar
Love, Anne L: Tullymargy
Love, John L: Derryvarry Beg
Love, Rose L: Drumgormly
Love, Susanna L: Lisdead
Love, Thomas L: Rossinure More
Lucy, Henry L: Monea
Lucy, John L: Cleens Old
Lunny, Edward L: Magheranageeragh
Lunny, Edward L: Tullymargy
Lunny, Hugh L: Magheranageeragh
Lunny, Hugh L: Tullymargy
Lunny, James L: Magheranageeragh
Lynn, Thomas L: Slattinagh
Lyons, Andrew L: Mullykivet
Macauley, Henry L: Enaghan
Macauley, William L: Silverhill
Mackeany, Henry L: Drumanure
Madders, John L: Randalshough
Magahey, John L: Ballyhose
Magarahan, Denis L: Cossycon
Magarahan, William L: Gillyholme (L'Estrange)
Magee, Bryan L: Meenagleragh
Magee, Catherine L: Leighan
Magee, Edward L: Killyveagh Glebe
Magee, Farrell L: Magheradunbar
Magee, James L: Meenagleragh
Magee, John L: Tullymargy
Magee, Martin L: Derryvarry Beg
Magee, Mary L: Drumbeggan
Magee, Owen L: Tullykelter
Magee, Patrick L: Drumgormly
Magee, Patrick L: Tullymargy
Magee, Thomas L: Derryvarry Beg
Magennis, Bernard L: Drumary
Magennis, Jane L: Monea
Magennis, John L: Drumgormly
Magennis, Peter L: Derrynafaugher
Magrath, John L: Gorteen
Maguire, Adam L: Magheradunbar
Maguire, Anne T: Monea
Maguire, Bernard L: Derryvarry Beg
Maguire, Bernard L: Fedian
Maguire, Bernard L: Meenagleragh
Maguire, Bridget L: Moyglass
Maguire, Catherine L: Knocknashangan
Maguire, Charles L: Derryvarry More
Maguire, Charles L: Drumbeggan
Maguire, Charles L: Drumcroohen
Maguire, Charles L: Drumlish
Maguire, Charles L: Newtown
Maguire, Charles L: Tullykelter
Maguire, Daniel L: Drumgormly
Maguire, Daniel L: Tullycreevy
Maguire, Denis L: Tullysranadeega
Maguire, Ellen L: Donegall
Maguire, Francis L: Derrynafaugher
Maguire, Francis L: Greaghmore
Maguire, Hugh L: Aghakeeran
Maguire, Hugh L: Rossinure More
Maguire, James L: Doagh Glebe
Maguire, James L: Levally Upper
Maguire, James L: Mallybreen
Maguire, James L: Rossinure More
Maguire, James L: Scandally
Maguire, Jas. L: Drumary N: and Others
Maguire, John L: Aghamuldowney
Maguire, John L: Drumadillar
Maguire, John L: Drumgormly
Maguire, John L: Gorteen
Maguire, John L: Rossinure More N: Owen
Maguire, John L: Scribbagh
Maguire, John L: Stratore
Maguire, John, Jr. L: Rossinure More N: Hugh
Maguire, John, Sr. L: Rossinure More N: Hugh
Maguire, Mary L: Derryvarry Beg
Maguire, Mary L: Scandally
Maguire, Michael L: Derryvarry Beg
Maguire, Owen L: Drumary
Maguire, Patrick L: Drumlish
Maguire, Patrick L: Levally Lower
Maguire, Patrick L: Rossinure More
Maguire, Peter L: Drumadillar
Maguire, Peter L: Gorteen
Maguire, Philip L: Drumadillar
Maguire, Terence L: Drumcroohen
Maguire, Terence L: Newtown
Maguire, Thade L: Rossinure More
Maguire, Thomas L: Scandally
Magurran, John L: Carr
Malley, Owen L: Drumanure
Marshall, James L: Aughrim
Martin, John L: Ballynakell
Maude, Morris C. L: Magheradunbar
Maxwell, Nicholas L: Levally Upper
May, John, Jr. L: Gorteen
May, John, Sr. L: Gorteen
McAfee, James L: Carran West
McAfee, Patrick L: Carran West
McAuley, Bridget L: Leighan
McBride, James L: Drumcorban
McBride, Thomas L: Magheranageeragh
McBrien, Alexander L: Monaghan
McBrien, Carson L: Drumadillar
McBrien, Charles L: Carran West
McBrien, Christopher L: Stratore
McBrien, John L: Buggan
McBrien, John L: Drumadillar
McBrien, John L: Drumary
McBrien, John L: Garrison
McBrien, Moses L: Derryvarry More
McBrien, Robert L: Brackagh
McBrien, Ruth L: Monaghan
McCabe, Hugh L: Lisdoodan
McCabe, John L: Doagh Glebe
McCabe, Patrick L: Aghakeeran
McCaffrey, Owen L: Lisdoodan
McCaffrey, Patrick L: Dromore
McCaffrey, Patrick L: Drumary
McCanley, Francis L: Tullycreevy
McCann, James L: Meenagleragh
McCauley, Francis L: Tullycreevy
McCauley, Michael L: Tullycreevy
McCawley, Michael L: Carran West
McClean, John L: Stratore
McClelland, William L: Aghakeeran
McConnell, James L: Drumlish
McCormack, Terence L: Silverhill
McCullagh, George L: Banagher
McCullagh, George L: Crawford's Hill
McCullagh, James L: Cossycon
McCullagh, James L: Crawford's Hill
McCullagh, James L: Drumbeggan
McCullagh, James L: Magheranageeragh
McCullagh, James L: Roosky
McCullagh, John L: Levally Lower
McCullagh, John L: Rabron
McCullagh, John L: Tullycreevy
McCullagh, William L: Crawford's Hill
McCutcheon, Robert L: Kilmore
McCutcheon, Thomas L: Kellaghan
McCutcheon, Thomas L: Kilmore
McCutcheon, William L: Kilmore
McDonagh, James L: Carrickreagh
McEntaggart, Andrew L: Drumadillar
McEntaggart, Hugh L: Tullycreevy
McEntaggart, Mary L: Drumbeggan
McEntaggart, Patrick L: Drumadillar
McEntaggart, Philip L: Derryvarry Beg
McEteer, Thomas L: Dog Big
McFadden, John L: Kilmore
McFadden, Richard L: Leighan
McGloin, Eleanor L: Doagh Glebe
McGloin, James L: Magheranageeragh
McGloin, John L: Doagh Glebe
McGloin, Patrick L: Doagh Glebe
McGloin, Patrick L: Stratonagher
McGloin, William L: Doagh Glebe
McGolrick, Felix L: Islands - Coghran's
McGolrick, John L: Mallybreen
McGoorty, Patrick L: Carran West
McGoorty, Thomas L: Tower More
McGourty, Mary L: Lisdoodan
McGown, Roger L: Slattinagh
McGrath, Francis L: Carran West
McGrath, Henry L: Barr of Drumgormly
McGrath, John L: Barr of Drumgormly
McGrath, Patrick L: Knocknashangan
McGuinness, Daniel L: Scribbagh
McGuinness, Darby L: Frevagh
McGuinness, Hugh L: Barr of Slattinagh
McGuinness, Hugh L: Scribbagh
McGuinness, Thomas L: Barr of Slattinagh
McGuire, John L: Rossinure Beg
McGullian, James L: Drumanure
McGullian, Michael L: Carran West
McGullian, Philip L: Tower Beg
McGullian, Sarah L: Tower More
McGurn, James L: Scribbagh
McGurn, Patrick L: Carran West
McGurn, Patrick L: Gorteen
McGurren, John L: Agharahan
McGurren, Margaret L: Old Barr
McGurren, Mary L: Old Barr
McGurren, Thomas L: Agharahan
McGurren, William L: Agharahan
McHugh, Cornelius L: Scandally
McHugh, Felix L: Drumscollop
McHugh, James L: Drumscollop
McHugh, James L: Gillyholme (L'Estrange)
McIver, James L: Scribbagh
McKee, Alexander L: Shankill
McKenna, John L: Doagh Glebe
McKenna, Rev. Peter L: Tullycreevy
McLane, Matthew L: Frevagh
McLean, John L: Drumadillar
McLean, Thomas L: Scribbagh
McLoughlin, Henry L: Derryvarry Beg
McLoughlin, James L: Drumanure
McLoughlin, Margaret L: Scandally
McLoughlin, Michael L: Old Barr
McLoughlin, Owen L: Drumary
McMahon, Arthur L: Scandally
McMahon, Rev. Terence L: Aghamuldowney
McManus, Anne L: Legland
McManus, Bernard L: Scandally
McManus, Charles L: Barr of Drumgormly
McManus, Edward L: Aghakeeran
McManus, Edward L: Drumbeggan
McManus, Edward L: Lisdoodan
McManus, Henry L: Drumlish
McManus, James L: Ross
McManus, John L: Derryvarry More
McManus, John L: Doagh Glebe
McManus, John L: Newtown
McManus, Patrick L: Ross
McManus, Patrick L: Tullycreevy
McManus, Stephen L: Dog Little
McManus, Stephen L: Rossinure Beg
McManus, Thomas L: Stratore
McMullen, George L: Drumboory
McMullen, George L: Silverhill
McMurray, John L: Carran West
McMurray, Owen L: Scribbagh
McNamara, Edward L: Killyveagh Glebe
McNamara, James L: Drumary
McNamara, John L: Derryvarry Beg
McNulty, Anthony L: Coagh
McSharry, James L: Castletown Monea
McSharry, Thomas L: Moyglass
McSherry, James L: Castletown Monea
McSherry, James T: Monea
McShery, James L: Mallybreen
McTeague, Bryan L: Drumary
Meehan, James L: Cashelnadrea
Meehan, James L: Slattinagh
Millar, George L: Drumary
Millar, James L: Brackagh
Millar, John L: Shankill
Montgomery, Rep. H. R. S. L: Carr
Montgomery, John L: Banagher
Montgomery, John L: Dairies Big
Montgomery, John L: Levally Upper
Moran, Edward L: Drumadillar
Moran, James T: Monea
Mosgrove, William L: Killyveagh Glebe
Mossgrove, John L: Drumadillar
Mossman, John L: Silverhill
Mullarkey, James L: Killyveagh Glebe
Mullarkey, John L: Killyveagh Glebe
Mulligan, John L: Gorteen
Murphy, Charles L: Keadew
Murphy, Owen L: Killyveagh Glebe
Murphy, Peter L: Drumnanane
Murphy, Peter L: Keadew
Murphy, Philip L: Keadew
Murray, Luke L: Magheranageeragh
Nelan, Anne L: Aghamuldowney
Nelson, Andrew L: Carran West
Neville, Edward L: Faugher
Nixon, Alexander L: Graan
Nixon, Edward L: Drumanure
Nixon, Edward L: Tullycarbry
Nixon, Eliza L: Carran West
Nixon, Frederick L: Graan
Nixon, Frederick L: Silverhill
Nixon, George L: Carran West
Nixon, Hamilton L: Carran West
Nixon, John L: Cashelnadrea
Nixon, John L: Drumanure
Nixon, John L: Meenagleragh
Nixon, John L: Silverhill
Nixon, John L: Slattinagh
Nixon, John L: Stratore
Nixon, John, Jr. L: Drumary
Nixon, John, Jr. L: Tullycarbry
Nixon, John, Sr. L: Drumary
Nixon, John, Sr. L: Tullycarbry
Noble, John L: Monea
O'Brien, Charles L: Rossinure More
O'Brien, Denis L: Knocknashangan
O'Brien, Francis L: Legland
O'Brien, Michael L: Aghamuldowney
O'Brien, Thady L: Aghamuldowney
O'Brien, Thomas L: Rossinure More
Ogle, Francis H. L: Islands - Ross Harbour
Ogle, Francis H. L: Islands - Swallow
O'Hara, James L: Drumbeggan
O'Reilly, Hugh L: Garrison
Ovens, James L: Cashelnadrea
Ovens, James L: Gorteen
Ovens, John L: Gorteen
Ovens, Robert L: Carran West
Ovens, Robert L: Gorteen
Ovens, Robert L: Monea
Ovens, William L: Drumanure
Owen, John, Jr. L: Carr
Owen, John, Sr. L: Carr
Owens, James L: Frevagh
Owens, James L: Scribbagh
Owens, James L: Tower More
Owens, Stewart L: Frevagh
Parker, Andrew L: Kilmore
Parker, Robert L: Aughrim
Parker, Robert L: Gillyholme (L'Estrange)
Parker, Samuel L: Kilmore
Parker, William L: Aughrim
Parker, William L: Whitehill
Patterson, Alexander L: Monaghan
Patterson, George L: Monaghan
Patterson, George L: Tullycreevy
Patterson, Zachariah L: Faugher
Pennell, William L: Stratore
Perrett, Edward L: Randalshough
Peterson, George L: Aghamuldowney
Phillips, Archibald L: Magheranageeragh
Plunkett, Andrew L: Brackagh
Plunkett, Andrew L: Magheranageeragh
Plunkett, John L: Cleens Old
Plunkett, Wm., Jr. L: Aughrim
Plunkett, Wm., Sr. L: Aughrim
Porteous, Arthur L: Knock Beg
Porteous, Francis L: Leighan
Porteous, John L: Knock Beg
Porteous, Lucy L: Knock Beg
Porteous, Patrick L: Rossinure Beg
Porteous, Robert L: Giltagh
Porteous, Robert L: Knock Beg
Porteous, Robert L: Randalshough
Porteous, Thomas L: Drumadown
Porteous, William L: Giltagh
Porter, Edward L: Greaghmore
Potter, Edward L: Stratore
Price, James L: Drmaveel
Price, James L: Drumcroohen
Quinn, Daniel L: Drumscollop
Quinn, Patrick L: Fardrum
Quinn, Terence L: Scandally
Ralph, James L: Roosky
Rankin, Dorinda L: Silverhill
Rankin, Dorinda L: Tullydevenish
Reade, Rev. Loftus G. L: Levally Lower
Reade, Rev. Loftus G. L: Levally Upper
Reilly, Frank L: Gorteen
Roarke, Hugh T: Monea
Robinson, Archibald L: Levally Lower
Robinson, Francis L: Gorteen
Robinson, Francis L: Knocknashangan
Robinson, James L: Tower More
Robinson, Jane L: Carran West
Robinson, John L: Gorteen
Robinson, John L: Knocknashangan
Robinson, John L: Leighan
Robinson, John, Jr. L: Gorteen
Robinson, Thomas L: Gorteen
Robinson, Thomas L: Knocknashangan
Robinson, Thomas L: Tower More
Robinson, William L: Carran West
Robinson, William L: Gorteen
Rogers, Bernard L: Coagh
Rogers, Rep. Edward L: Cullen
Rogers, Isabella L: Drumbeggan
Rogers, Isabella L: Newtown
Rogers, James L: Castletown Monea
Rogers, James L: Cullen
Rogers, John L: Kilmore
Rogers, John L: Newtown
Rogers, Owen L: Derrynafaugher
Rogers, Owen L: Gortgor
Rogers, Owen L: Lisdead
Rutherford, William L: Drumanure
Saunderson, James L: Randalshough
Saunderson, James L: Scandally
Scollen, Denis L: Drmaveel
Scott, Alexander L: Derryvarry Beg
Scott, Carleton L: Garrison
Scott, Edward L: Cashelnadrea
Scott, Edward L: Castletown Monea
Scott, Edward L: Derryvarry Beg
Scott, Edward L: Killyveagh Glebe
Scott, Edward L: Scribbagh
Scott, Edward T: Monea
Scott, James L: Gillyholme (L'Estrange)
Scott, James L: Gorteen
Scott, James L: Whitehill
Scott, Jane L: Silverhill
Scott, Leah L: Ballynakell
Scott, Leah L: Coagh
Scott, Leah L: Drumboory
Scott, Leah L: Ross Outer
Scott, Robert L: Fartagh
Scott, Robert L: Magheranageeragh
Scott, Robert L: Tullymargy
Scott, William L: Concaroe
Scott, William L: Garrison
Scott, William L: Monea
Scott, William L: Rosscoltan
Scott, William, Jr. L: Whitehill
Simpson, William L: Old Barr
Simpson, William L: Shankill
Slaven, Michael L: Silverhill
Smith, Mary L: Drumadillar
Smyth, James L: Silverhill
Smyth, Rev. John L: Stratore
Smyth, Thomas L: Rossinure More
Somers, James L: Scandally
Spence, James L: Moyglass
Stenson, Alexander L: Drumanure
Stenson, Richard L: Tower Beg
Stewart, Robert L: Magheragannon
Stinson, James L: Drumanure
Stinson, Jane L: Crott
Stinson, John L: Dairies Little
Stinson, John L: Derryvarry More
Stinson, John L: Drumary
Stinson, John L: Drumbeggan
Stinson, John L: Newtown
Stinson, Oswald L: Newtown
Stinson, Oswell L: Drumcroohen
Stinson, Prudence L: Drumanure
Stinson, William L: Lisdoodan
Strong, Esther L: Rosscoltan
Stuart, Martin L: Ross
Sweeney, John L: Slattinagh
Sweeney, Thomas L: Slattinagh
Teeran, James L: Scribbagh
Teevan, Dr. L: Dromore
Teevan, Dr. L: Drumaraw
Teevan, Cormack L: Drumscollop
Teevan, John L: Kilmore
Thompson, Alexander L: Stratore
Thompson, Anne L: Fedian
Thompson, George L: Fedian
Thompson, Hugh L: Kilduff
Thompson, John L: Dairies Little
Thompson, John L: Drumaraw
Thompson, John L: Drumary
Thompson, John L: Drumcroohen
Thompson, John L: Newtown
Thompson, John T: Monea
Thompson, John L: Tullycreevy
Thompson, Joseph L: Drumaraw
Thompson, Matthew L: Drumcroohen
Thompson, Matthew L: Newtown
Thompson, Matthew, Sr. L: Newtown
Thompson, Moses L: Randalshough
Thompson, Robert L: Kilduff
Thompson, Robert L: Legland
Thompson, Thomas L: Killyveagh Glebe
Thompson, William L: Fedian
Thompson, William L: Legland
Tierney, Patrick T: Monea
Tierney, Thomas L: Scandally
Timoney, Bridget L: Scandally
Timoney, Denis L: Tullynasrahan
Timoney, John L: Aghakeeran
Timoney, John L: Old Barr
Timoney, Patrick L: Dog Big
Timoney, Patrick L: Rossinure More
Timoney, Patrick L: Tullynasrahan
Timoney, Susan L: Tullynasrahan
Timony, Patrick L: Rossinure More
Tracey, James L: Newtown
Tracey, James L: Rossinure More
Tracey, John L: Drumbeggan
Tracey, Peter L: Scribbagh
Tracy, Edward L: Scribbagh
Tracy, John L: Tower More
Tracy, Mary L: Old Barr
Tracy, Simon L: Carran West
Trimble, James L: Monea
Trotter, Rep. Arthur L: Longrob
Trotter, Jane L: Drumadown
Trotter, John L: Drumadown
Trotter, John L: Enaghan
Trotter, John L: Knock Beg
Trotter, John L: Longrob
Trotter, John L: Mullykivet
Trotter, William L: Drumadown
Trotter, William L: Longrob
Trotter, William L: Mullykivet
Veitch, William L: Scandally
Walsh, Dorothea L: Magheranageeragh
Walsh, Edward L: Drumscollop
Walsh, Michael L: Carran West
Walsh, Thomas L: Drumcorban
Walsh, Thomas L: Drumscollop
Walsh, Thomas L: Monea
Walsh, Thomas L: Tullymargy
Wamsley, Edward L: Garrison
Wamsley, Thomas L: Carran West
Wamsley, Thomas L: Garrison
Ward, Patrick L: Scribbagh
Ward, William L: Gorteen
Waterson, David L: Drumberney
Waterson, David L: Drumberny
Waterson, Gabriel L: Drumberney
Waterson, Gabriel L: Drumberny
Waterson, Gabriel L: Drumboory
Waterson, Robert L: Silverhill
Watson, William L: Donegall
Watson, William L: Magheragannon
Wedgworth, John L: Dog Little
Weir, Andrew L: Carr
Weir, Caroline Mary L: Monaghan
Weir, George L: Gillyholme (Ely.)
Weir, George L: Levally Lower
Weir, George L: Levally Upper N: Teacher
Weir, George L: Magheranageeragh
Weir, James L: Drumary
Whealy, John L: Leighan
Whittaker, John L: Magheradunbar
Whittaker, Thomas L: Leighan
Wilkin, David L: Enaghan
Wilkin, David L: Fardrum
Wilkin, David L: Roosky
Wilkin, James L: Carrickreagh
Wilkin, John L: Carrickreagh
Wilkin, Mary L: Carrickreagh
Wilson, Christopher L: Drumadown
Wilson, James L: Drumcroohen
Wilson, Thomas L: Drumadown
Wilson, William L: Slattinagh
Wood, John A. L: Magheradunbar
Wynne, John L: Ross
Young, Irwin L: Stratonagher
Young, Thomas L: Stratonagher